Daily sync
Supercharge collaboration
Daily sync allows teams to collaborate and swarm around tasks. It keeps teams on the same page at all times, allowing you to update, share, and request feedback while tracking work progress in real-time.
Learn more![](https://cadrelo.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/sync.png)
Know what everyone is working on
It’s no secret that teamwork has changed. That midday walk with your dog and unadulterated all-day access to snacks are just some of the perks of WFH today, but it can also feel like you’re missing out on things. Syncs are one way to keep everyone plugged into what everyone is working on all the time. It’s a super simple way to create visibility around work and keep the whole company up-to-date on progress.
Bring in focus and save time
So the world of work has changed and so has your team! One thing hasn’t and it’s remained a constant challenge. How do team members get updated on what everyone is working on and how do we do that efficiently, while still making it a human experience?
With Cadrelo Syncs remote & hybrid teams can check in with each other, stay up to date and keep working together across timezones and work locations.
- Let the team know what you are working on, when you are available, or if you are blocked
- Use rich formatting, including to-do lists, mentions, emojis and images
- Update the team on your working hours and location
- Translates working hours across time zones to provide clarity on who is available
- Link work items with Jira integration
Unlock high-performance
Teams that communicate frequently and openly are 10 times more likely to be high-performing.
Improve productivity
Effective communication and collaboration can improve productivity for teams and individuals by 25%
Increase team alignment
Teams that were aligned with their goals were 20% more likely to become high-performing.
Integrations…we got you covered
Our first core integrations are simple Slack updates that pull your team in, and integration with Jira that enables your team to easily refer Jira items in their daily sync. We know that it can be difficult and time-consuming to traverse a sea of apps to have a simple daily stand-up, this is where Cadrelo’s daily syncs come into play.
We’re here for you! If you have any other requests around integrations so that Cadrelo can be that team meeting point please drop us a line!
Start with daily syncs
Cadrelo’s daily syncs revolutionize the way teams communicate, eliminating the need for long and tedious standup meetings or status updates. We prioritize flexibility and simplicity, ensuring that Cadrelo is a breeze to use for teams of all sizes.
Start now