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Daily Sync – Keep your team on the same page!

So the world of work has changed and so has your team! One thing hasn’t and it’s remained a constant challenge. How do team members get updated on what everyone is working on and how do we do that efficiently, while still making it a human experience?

With Cadrelo Syncs remote & hybrid teams can check in with each other, stay up to date and keep working together across timezones and work locations.

The tldr:

  • Let the team know what you are working on, when you are available, or if you are blocked
  • Use rich formatting, including to-do lists, mentions, emojis and images
  • Set away status if sick or on leave
  • Translates working hours across time zones to provide clarity on who is available
  • Link up to work items with Jira integration

Here’s one for you visual creatures:


Here are some benefits of our syncs!

Focus on the right stuff – cut the fluff 🧭

Stand-ups are incredibly important but sometimes they can feel like a ‘samey’ checklist recital day in and day out.

Use written check-ins to move beyond flat status updates in meetings. Help your team see what you are working on ahead of time so that they can ask the right questions. Everyone just really wants to get to the important information and ask the right questions like “Do you need help with that?”, “Are you waiting on anything from me?” or “Are you blocked on that task?”. You know the juicy stuff!

Save time and cut ineffective meeting time, highlight blockers, and spend time on the important stuff.

Know what everyone is working on 🔍

It’s no secret that teamwork has changed. That midday walk with your pup and unadulterated all-day access to snacks are just some of the perks of WFH today, but it can also feel like you’re missing out on things. We’re just not physically around each other as much. Syncs are one way to keep everyone plugged into what everyone is working on all the time. It’s a super simple way to create visibility around work so that teams can get around it.

When you've got a work zoom call but golf is life (: IG frankielap) - Golf TweetCheck-in from anywhere at any time – your way! ⛵

So you’re in a distributed team now what? When does Mark start again? Is Stacy in today? Where is Mo working from? Who’s in the office today? Does Vikrant have his child’s cricket finals this Friday? Oh, you’re away with your bestie on your annual pilgrimage to a heavy metal festival in Norway? No problem you just snooze and let the team know you’re going to be away! All of these questions are a reality of teamwork today. Our syncs allow people to check in from anywhere at any time. We’ll also show you their working hours, and convert their time to your timezone so you can save your brain juice for the things you’re good at. Like bossing your job!

Your whole team can interact 🚀

It’s all about how teams come together to work through challenges and solve problems. How they support each other and get stuff done! Daily Syncs allow individuals to tag team members, add files, images, and reactions. Team members can leave comments and mention others in important conversations. Daily Syncs effectively build dynamic meeting agendas around important topics at work as part of everyone’s daily update.

Integrations…we got you covered 🤝

Our first core integrations to Daily Syncs are simple Slack updates and reminders that pull your team in. The second highly requested feature has been integration with Jira. Cadrelo will not replace any of these tools, but we know that it can be difficult and time-consuming to traverse a sea of apps to have a simple daily standup. We’re here for you! If you have any other requests around integrations so that Cadrelo can be that team meeting point please drop us a line!

Build effective and aligned teams

Cadrelo makes it easy for teams to collaborate and manage their daily work. It helps teams manage daily communication, both async and real-time, helping them stay aligned and on track no matter where they are. Try Cadrelo for free and see the difference it can make for your hybrid team!

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